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F2F workshop "PostDoc in Germany" on 28/April in São Paulo

qui., 28 de abr.


Evento online

Está na hora para o seu PostDoc? GERMANY AWAITS! Learn everything you need to know about funding, research careers and opportunities for Postdocs in Germany.

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F2F workshop "PostDoc in Germany" on 28/April in São Paulo
F2F workshop "PostDoc in Germany" on 28/April in São Paulo

Horário e local

28 de abr. de 2022, 09:00

Evento online

Sobre o evento

Está na hora para o seu PostDoc? GERMANY AWAITS! Learn everything you need to know about funding, research careers and opportunities for Postdocs in Germany. The Liaison Office São Paulo of Freie Universität Berlin, the Liaison Office for Latin America of Technical University of Munich, the Brazil Center of the University of Münster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Potsdam and Technische Universität Berlin cordially invite prospective post-doctoral researchers to this online-Workshop for Brazilian candidates. The events are co-organized by DWIH São Paulo and supported by DAAD Brasil, Humboldt Foundation, DFG Latin American Office and EURAXESS. Register now for our face-2-face Workshop in São Paulo (April 28 – limited vacancies!) and our online Matchmakings (May 09 & 10): (once your registered, individual calls can be booked under “Agenda”). See you there / até lá e boa semana, Sven Dinklage / Liaison Officer da Uni Potsdam no Brasil 

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